Let go my Ego:
In Truth:
Our Identity:

True prayer is the recognition of the finished kingdom here and now. So see that you do not fall into a duplex state of self pity or self praise, both belong to the man of circumstance, they are not  part of the Sonship  of God...

The more we beg God to show his favor, the more we show our ignorance of his eternal nature. Self seeking is unnecessary when a Son of God takes his rightful place in the kingdom. To pray with out ceasing {as the Bible asks} is to keep these eternal thoughts in mind. Prayer is not a means to changing the universe, but instead a way of lining up with its power.

Father, Let your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven... Child of God, be still and know that I AM God...

One night I asked God, "what words do I use to pray then?"
This is the prayer I received, and have used often since then...

Father I will not beg or beseech you for something you have already done, but except it willingly.
I will no longer believe what my eyes see, but what my Spirit knows to be truth.
For out of this belief manifestation comes forth.
This prayer I offer, is a prayer of thanksgiving. I no longer desire my own will, but yours for me...
For there is no lack, disease, worry, or chaos in your will for me.
You have called me your Son, I have called you my Father.
Thank you for letting me see this more and more each day, as Truth...
I believe Father, and I am truly convinced and persuaded by this Truth...

It seems at every minute of every day, we listen to the voice of the ego, or the voice of the Spirit of God. Listening to either means we turn a deaf ear to the other. We either do the will of our Father, or the will of the ego. Most of the time we are well aware of which one we follow. Thoughts of the ego are fear, doubt, worry, chaos, anger, envy, frustration, depression, or anything else you can label with a negative nature.

A person using logic might say, if you know the difference between the two then stop following the ego and choose correctly, but how may times have you been hurt by someone's words, then let those words cause you to feel depressed, angry and frustrated? All have had hurt feelings, all have been treated unjustly, all have felt the attack of someone's unkind words, but what you may not have realized is the ego is the only one that can be bruised by these actions.

When your feelings  are hurt or you feel insulted or mistreated. That is a thought of the ego. Your Christ consciousness is incapable of being offended, so then, should you let people "get by" with treating you unfairly? It all depends on what is more important to you. You are not going to escape the thoughts of the ego, but it is your decision to let those thoughts become magnified or be cast down.

Every time you choose the will of the Father you cast down a thought of the ego. "We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against spiritual wickedness in high places." Your mind is a very high place. Remember, the fight is not with your fellow brothers it is only with the thoughts you think. Dwelling upon the thoughts of God causes you to remember who you are, and in turn, who your brother is. that's why Jesus said it was the beam in your own eye not the splinter in your brothers eye that trips you up...

The measure of God thoughts are peace, harmony, contentment, love, joy, and all things positive. You are faced daily with which voice you listen to. One's WILL is to lift you up, the others WILL is to bring you down. One's will is to satisfy you, the others will is to leave you void and yearning. Which one you "will" follow is your choice. It is also your brothers choice as to the one he chooses to listen to and follow. Remembering all the while he may choose a different path, but all roads lead home.

We have been in a habit of listening to ego, but now we are free to start consciously abandoning it. We may slip from time to time and let Mr. Ego romp and play, but the time spent in the domain of the ego will be brief if you choose it to be. As we set aside the egos agenda and join in communication with God our Father. We will see a shift in our perception, and this shift will simultaneously spark a change in each brother as well. How? Because we have made a choice to loose him from the chains of judgment, and have chose instead to wrap him in the arms of Love. 
Let us no more talk "about" Truth, but talk Truth, First person, not arguing Truth nor judging Truth, but being Truth...

Until the Spirit of Truth is awakened in you, all out-side teaching is in vain. The Truth shall lead you into to all things and set you free "simultaneously". When man realizes this, he will see how he has brought so many unhappy experiences into manifestation through misinterpreting the power of this Truth.

Our Father is an impersonal God, for he causes the rain to fall upon the just and the unjust alike. Whether we toil in the fields from dawn till dusk, or just a few hours, our payment is equal. When we recognize the fact that there is but one Truth, and one power operating in and through out the universe, we begin to understand how misapplied thoughts have brought about the "so called" evil or UN-comfortable conditions we except as part of our daily lives.

In Truth... we are not over-comers, fighting against that which we think need be destroyed. Could you destroy anything created by God? And does anything exist that God did not create?

Evil or an Un-comfortable or an Un-equal situation steams from our own human minds, and these ideas do not come from God our Father.

All struggles, all disappointments, all regrets shall be forgotten when you come to the understanding that you are the Spirit of Truth, and so is the one standing beside you...

"Yes but... I know him/her so well,,, and... you don't understand". No little my child, you are only seeing a personality, a mirror shell of the real one who is awaiting recognition from you. The Truth that you dare see in them, will not only set them free but yourself as well.

"Awake thou that sleepeth" The kingdom of heaven is made up of everyone, is it not?

"All foolish talk" says the wise and learned man, and so it will be in his mind, but what is the Truth in your mind?

If you have seen the truth, then you will not lack in understanding nor in Love toward one another. Do you now see that your universe is controlled by your attitude toward it? If you then judge by appearances and not by Truth, you will find many things not to your liking.
  See God and his Truth in everything, and you may be surprised to find false conclusions have been keeping the good from appearing as the Truth that it is. Change your attitude toward a thing or person, and the thing or person changes. The person you call best friend, someone else may call worst enemy, but the man is the same man, is he not?

So what is true? God your Father is true... and he has called us into existence, out of his infinite Love. Seeing us all as one, and loving us each of us as equals.
  Do you feel this Love? Can you return it to all brothers? Then Be The Truth in all situations, and call it forth into manifestation, in the First Person. As one who speaks with authority, In Truth, as your Father wills...

Not until we come to identify ourselves with God, can we feel the unconditioned power moving within us, that IS God...
We constantly hear the statement, "I am the Son of God," and yet see ourselves going though all sorts of bad experiences, and sometimes in the throes of almost insurmountable misery. Unconsciously many of us are still looking to a God who is afar, and even if we come to the place of a closer relationship with him, we still feel separated, pleading with our Father to DO things for us.

The secret of our brother Jesus success was his ability to identify himself with God. "I and my Father are one." was constantly spoken by him, and yet so few understand that in identifying himself with God, he instantly can continually recognized himself with God, he instantly and continually knew only one power. When he became conscious of his oneness with God he had nothing to ask for, nothing to seek, nothing to do, for he discovered all thing in perfect order in the Kingdom of Heaven.

"Of myself I can do nothing but with God, all things are possible."

When we identify with God we learn for the first time what "I AM" really is, and we know there is truth in the statement, "The Christ consciousness IS within you." We are the Son of God, an therefore above the law of limitation and religious beliefs. We have been released from the curse of the law of human thinking. We are through with trying to get things, and with making demonstrations.

Dominion is OURS,,, the wait is over, Awake, go forth Son of God, "All power is given unto you." having not the power to create, we can add nothing to, nor take anything from that which is already complete and perfect, but by virtue of our office of dominion, we are able to bring into visibly that which already exists, and everything that is, or ever will be, does already exist.

Since God is spirit, and he called everything into expression out of his infinite Selfhood, then everything must be and is Spirit. Unconditional power will not be confined in the narrow limits of PERSONAL opinion. For the power is NO respecter of persons. It is impersonal. On this point all men are truly created equal. All have instant access to this power, none can be deprived of it. Remember, we are One with this power, because we are One with God our Father. In the realm of the imagination we seem to create, but in reality we only become aware of that which is, and always has been.

The gift of clear vision is not limited to a few. It is God given, it is not induced by long and strange mediations, it is not magic, it is the realizing that there is nowhere God is not.
"If I make my bed in Hell, thou art there." David in his Psalms understood this. If God is ever with us, and he has told us this is so, then we are in Heaven, here and now!

Let us claim our birthright as the Sons of the King. In this Kingdom we recognize neither shape, color, or form. We are but a point in consciousness. We lose ourselves in the sense of peace, bliss and the Oneness with the All Power, Only Power, God our Father, who gave us our identity
Every thing in the physical world is first entertained as a thought.              
Man forms his experiences in his mind, then after the Ego's masterful stroke with brush and pallet, it appears on the canvas of the physical world.
An image from an imagination using colors from every perspective of every imaginable rainbow from every new beginning. A counterfeit, having no reality or connection to the mind of the creator.

Thoughts come as a result of the sum experiences from ancestors who teach their prodigies and so it goes. One cannot talk the talk if what he knows is not a result of his own thoughts. Thought cannot create a realm of spiritual reality above a third dimensional sphere of the physical. "If that realm exists", it can only be experienced above the thought patterns frozen in time.

  My offering therefore is not an offering of Penny's thoughts in exchange for yours. Not even a pennies worth added to your own, but rather a complete emptying of all preconceived notions and perceptions.
  After having entered that void, and discovering your own awareness. You will know you have touched the face of God, and after selling your thoughts for a penny, you will realize YOU are no longer for sale...
for your thoughts